CSR Opportunities with JSAF- CSR Projects by Ngo in JIND

JSAF has established itself as a leading partner for organizations that want to do impactful CSR projects. With strong systems and processes in its programs JSAF has been at the forefront as a partner to organizations such as Tata Power, Capgemini, Bose etc. If you are looking at programs in Education, Health and Vocational Training, you are the at the right place.

Our core strength is our program design, as per the needs of our corporate partners. We customize the projects as per the needs of our partners be it Location, CSR Thematic Areas, etc. bringing in the values that our partner organisation emphasizes into the project. All our CSR projects have a lot of involvement from our partners as we believe that our transparency and their ownership of the project brings collaborative success to the projects. In all our projects we encourage our partners to volunteer as frequently as they can. That we believe is a large step towards ownership of the project.

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